Once in a great while there is a movement of mindset which defies the trappings of convention and contemporary sentiment to such a degree that it must be stated outright or expressed in some coherence of style. It must be stated not only for public clarification and edification, but for those experiencing such a movement to work it out for their own benefit of understanding. Our focus and assertion here is that one such movement is that which might be best referred to as Militancy, and while such a mindset might most often correlate with a perhaps dubious ethos, it stands as a fundamental enough dimension of human life to warrant exploration and elaboration.
Toward this aim might we best immerse ourselves in the mindset with an underlying ethos derived from the technical and spiritual underpinnings of the expeditionary mode. More specifically will we explore the utility of Militancy as a general phenomenon in furthering the aims of [Rapid Expedition][] at large. To do so will we establish and develop a publication with a decidedly militant editorial and aesthetic spirit under the name of WPNZ! (short for Weaponize!).
Chief among the influences behind this publication is the Vorticist1 literary magazine, BLAST!2.
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